Sottotitolo: A Limone sul Garda la finalissima SkyRace & Vertical!!!
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A sorpresa, per privilegiare un calendario più snello ed equilibrato, è stato escluso il Giir di Mont che in extremis sembrava potesse rintrare tra le top race 2013....
Nove new entry, la finale SkyRace & Vertical a Limone sul Garda e quella long distance negli States. Queste sono solo alcune delle molte novità introdotte dalla ISF nel nuovissimo e sempre più spettacolare Skyrunner® World Series 2013; un circuito che per il suo decimo compleanno si preannuncia al cardiopalma con i vari circuiti Sly, Ultr e Vertical e i rispettivi titoli che vanno a premiare atleti sempre più forti e specializzati nelle varie specialità
Tra le new entry come non citare la 100miglia Ronda dels Cims, la Mont Blanc Marathon e Km Verticale, la Ice Trail Tarantaise, Ribagorza Vertical Kilometer®, Xtreme Vertical Kilometer® ed Extreme Skyrunning. A queste si aggiungono le super classiche ambitissime come Transvulcania, Zegama... Il tutto per 653chilometri a fil di cielo con 43.632m di dislivello positivo!!!
Nine new entries, two brand new races, a US final and the much anticipated new format – that’s what’s in store for the 2013 Skyrunner® World Series celebrating ten years with some of the best and most exciting races across the world. The new Series is divided into three stand-alone circuits: Sky, Ultra and Vertical, each with their own titles and prizes – clean and simple!
Look out for our first 100-miler, the Ronda dels Cims and other new entries: Mont-Blanc Marathon and KM Vertical, Ice Trail Tarantaise, Ribagorza Vertical Kilometer®, Xtreme Vertical Kilometer® and Extreme Skyrunning – the final of both disciplines. Two completely new events: Zermatt’s Matterhorn Ultraks 46K and the Ultra Series grand final: Ultra Race of Champions “UROC”. Add Transvulcania and Zegama. Speedgoat and Pikes Peak for a momentous 2013 skyrunning calendar. For the record: nine new entries, two brand new races - 653m kilometres and 43,632 vertical climb!
1. SPAIN: Maratòn Alpina Zegama-Aizkorri - 42k, Zegama - May 26
2. FRANCE: Mont-Blanc Marathon - 42k, Chamonix - June 30
3. USA: Pikes Peak Marathon, Colorado - 42k - August 18
4. SWITZERLAND: Matterhorn Ultraks - 46k, Zermatt - August 24
5. ITALY: Skyrunning Xtreme - 23k, Limone sul Garda - October 13
1. SPAIN: Transvulcania Ultra Marathon - 83k, La Palma - May 11
2. ANDORRA: Ronda dels Cims - 170k, Vallnord - June 21
3. FRANCE: Ice Trail Tarentaise - 65k, Val d’Isère - July 14
4. USA: Speedgoat - 50k, Park City, Utah - July 27
5. USA: Ultra Race of Champions “UROC” -100k, Vail, Colorado - September 28
1. RUSSIA: Mount Elbrus Vertical Kilometer® - May 7
2. SPAIN: Ribagorza Vertical Kilometer®, Barruera - May 18
3. FRANCE: KM Vertical, Chamonix - June 28
4. GREECE: Gerania Vertical Kilometer®, Loutraki - September 8
5. ITALY: Xtreme Vertical Kilometer®, Limone sul Garda - October 11