

Una partnership importante tra la kermesse austriaca e la casa trentina...


Dalla partnership tra l’azienda di Ziano di Fiemme (TN, Italy) ed una delle competizioni di sci alpinismo più importanti d’Europa, nasce il La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team...

Il brand italiano leader mondiale nella produzione di calzature ed abbigliamento tecnico da montagna e l’organizzazione dell’evento skialp austriaco per eccellenza, Mountain Attack, annunciano la nascita del “La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team”.
La Sportiva equipaggerà con scarponi da sci, abbigliamento un team di 21 persone comprendente sciatori professionisti e giovani promesse dello sci alpinismo. La prima gara in cui saranno impegnati sarà il prestigioso Mountain Attack in Austria, seguiranno poi Sellaronda, Tour de Ruitor e altre competizioni di caratura internazionale.

La presentazione del team è andata in scena presso la sede principale de La Sportiva a Ziano di Fiemme (TN) il 25 ottobre 2013, coronando così un importante traguardo per entrambe le parti. Roland Kurz, team manager ed organizzatore del Mountain Attack, è stato il promotore numero uno di questa iniziativa ed ha incontrato prima nel preparatore atletico Gerald Bauer e poi in La Sportiva, i partner per realizzare un obiettivo importante: creare una squadra austriaca di sci alpinismo per competere nelle competizioni internazionali ed allo stesso tempo per promuovere il movimento creatosi attorno al Mountain Attack.

“Abbiamo valutato molto attentamente ogni membro potenziale del team, giungendo ad una rosa di atleti capaci sia di competere per i primi posti in gara, sia di essere ambasciatori del marchio La Sportiva e di quello di Mountain Attack” -  dice il team manager Roland Kurz – “grazie al preparatore atletico Gerald Bauer, già coach del centro olimpico di Salisburgo, miriamo a creare una realtà che possa essere un punto di riferimento nella promozione dello sci alpinismo nell’arco alpino. Nel centro di Salisburgo, Gerald si occupa personalmente di sottoporre ogni atleta a specifici test fisici che attestino il grado di preparazione e gli obiettivi fisici stagionali di ogni membro del team.”

L’obiettivo è quindi quello di creare un team non solo in grado di vincere le competizioni più importanti al di fuori del mondo della World Cup, ma anche quello di promuovere lo sci alpinismo ed i suoi valori in tutto l’arco alpino. “Il La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team rappresenterà il nostro marchio in Austria e non solo, contribuendo a far crescere il movimento attorno a questo sport nel quale La Sportiva crede molto: questa iniziativa darà inoltre continuità al progetto di partnership avviato con l’evento Mountain Attack da qui ai prossimi 3 anni” – aggiunge Lorenzo Delladio, CEO de La Sportiva.


Il La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team è composto ad oggi di 21 atleti di cui 10 professionisti dello sci alpinismo. Aschbacher Daniel, Bauer Christina, Bauer Gerald (Sportlicher Leiter),  Chesneau Julien, Eichholzer Johann, Glomser Gerrit , Hofmann Verena, Höllbacher Lukas, Jank Andreas, Kastinger Michael, Klaus Tom, Kogler Stefan, Kurz Maximilian, Kurz Roland (Team Manager), Lienbacher Martin            , Linseder Stefan, Pointner Alexander, Riedlsperger Thomas, Steiner Johann, Wallmann Robert, Zwinger Bernd




The Italian Mountainware Brand La Sportiva is the lead sponsor of the newly founded ski touring-race team called “La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team”. La Sportiva equips the 21 men squad with skis, boots and apparel. The team consists of professionals and rookies. Their first race will be the prestigious Mountain Attack in Austria. The official team fitting at the company’s headquarter of La Sportiva in Ziano die Fiemme took place end of October.


For several years the organizer of the Mountain Attack, NMC manager and sport scientist Roland Kurz, wanted to create his own Mountain Attack race- and promotion team.  Finally the project will come true by the beginning of the season 2013/14. Together with the sport scientist Gerald Bauer he worked on putting the team together.


Roland Kurz: “We considered carefully, who will fit best in our team. We wanted athletes, who are really fast and can win races, but that are also team players and committed to the ski touring sport. Now we have a great team. The atmosphere is awesome and they train together quiet often. They learn from each other and they enjoy it.”


Gerald Bauer is coach at the Olympic Center in Salzburg Rif since 4 years and cares about the support of ski mountaineers. He has a lot of experience, especially with things like performance tests and training schedules – things the team can benefit from. A specific test on a treadmill that can be adjusted up to an ascent of 24 degrees delivers the necessary data for a perfect and individual training and planning of competitions.


Gerald Bauer: “The character of the La Sportiva Mountain Attack Team is unique. I don’t    know any Austrian ski touring team with more potential and I’m excited to help the team with my experiences. We will form a perfect environment for the athletes and we will be available for an intensive marketing of the ski touring sport.


The concept is not only to win many competitions. The team should also be the ambassador for the whole ski touring sport, the Mountain Attack and the sponsors. The team will also be used for Promotion.


The team has been equiped with the best skimountaineering technical items available in La Sportiva collection: the italian brand provided skiboots (the KarbonKevlar Stratos Cube and Spitfire), skis and apparel for a total look squad that will be very visible on the snow!

„The Mountain Attack Team will represents the La Sportiva brand in Austria and his goal will be not only to win races but also to help growing the movement of the skimountaineering in the next years on the alpine arch“ – says Lorenzo Delladio, CEO of La Sportiva – „that’s why we joined Mr Roland Kurz in this project, giving consistency and continuity to the sponsoring agreement that La Sportiva has also with the Mountain Attack event.“




The team consists of 21 athletes including 10 professionals. NMC is planning to increase the number by the following years to about 30. They are looking for young and talented athletes and also the proportion of females should become higher, but established top athletes are welcome too, if they fit in the team.



Aschbacher Daniel                                                                                         

Bauer Christina

Bauer Gerald (Sportlicher Leiter)                                             

Chesneau Julien

Eichholzer Johann                                                                        

Glomser Gerrit

Hofmann Verena                                                                         

Höllbacher Lukas

Jank Andreas                                                                                                   

Kastinger Michael

Klaus Tom                                                                                                         

Kogler Stefan

Kurz Maximilian                                                                            

Kurz Roland (Team Manager)

Lienbacher Martin                                                                                         

Linseder Stefan

Pointner Alexander                                                                                        

Riedlsperger Thomas

Steiner Johann                                                                              

Wallmann Robert

Zwinger Bernd





In the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, Narciso Delladio hand-crafted wooden clogs and leather boots for many lumber-jacks and farmers of the Fassa and Fiemme valleys (Dolomites, Italy). After the war, the demand for boots increased, obliging Narciso to hire new workers: the good name of "Calzoleria Sportiva" crossed the boarders of the valleys. Starting from here the La Sportiva’s history and fame continued to grow. Now the firm produces in Fiemme Valley boots and shoes for all kind of outdoor activities from climbing and mountain, categories in which La Sportiva has the market leadership, to mountain running, trekking and in the skimountaineerging market. In 2012 La Sportiva entered in the apparel market through a brand new winter line. After more than 85 years, La Sportiva’s mission remain still the same: innovation with passion.